داستان آبیدیک

consumption chain


1 عمومی:: زنجیره مصرف

There are two major ways that companies attempt to find sources of product differentia- tion-customer segmentation and mapping the consumption chain. Mapping the Consumption Chain Another process that can be used to look for differentiation opportunities is to map the consumption chain, which involves tracing your customer's entire experience with your product or service.28 Professors Ian McMillan and Rita McGrath, who developed and advocate the technique, suggest that companies perform this exercise for each impor- tant customer segment. Mapping the consumption chain involves identifying all the steps through which customers pass from the time they first become aware of your prod- uct to the time when they finally have to dispose of it or discontinue using it, as shown in Table 5.2. Although products or services may have somewhat different consumption chains, a few activities are common to most chains.

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